giovedì 26 febbraio 2015

More about WEB 2.0 TOOLS

Some Interesting   Tools you might  like to use when  working on line to make your lessons better and create a better learning  environment for your  students  :

An interesting  Tool for  Collaboration and  also  Brainstorming  ideas and   organizing  activities     PADLET


Visuword  for  languages: you have a dictionary on line based on a visual presentation. A  great Tool for teachers of Languages!!! 

SYMBALOO FOR  ORGANIZING  YOUR  CLASSROOM AND MORE  FOR YOUR PERSONAL LIFE  . You need to register and have an account      

Meetingwords for  writing and collaboration. The best Tool for helping your students write and  create texts on line
A great  Tool for collaborating on documents!
The same can be done with this  tool: you do not need to sign up!! 
I have just come  acroos  quip, it is something similar to Google doc but it is easy to use as you do not need an e-mail and  people can collaborate ............ it can be used with pc, smartphones but not all the smartphones.......   just have a look at it ...
Another interesting Tool:

With Plotbot, you can create private screenplays to work alone or with invited friends, or you can create public screenplays to find new friends. All changes are tracked to each writer, and you can revert to prior versions at any time.

A nice Tool for creating  a journal on line , or your diary on line, you just need an account  and then  you can write............just think about the many possibilities for your  students........  You need to register and have an account.

This tool enables you to write nice word clouds ...... and  you can use your imagination ..........   


Another  tool : this  one  helps you create word clouds and you can share  them thanks to a link.   You can choose the size and the colours of your word clouds.                                                     
More information can be found on line or  by following this  link                                                                                                                              
This tool enables you to create video-lessons by choosing videos and  then creating a lesson  about the topic/or a listening/video activity   based on what you  have   presented. Videos can be  shared  thanks to a link or embedded .  
This is my first presentation :    this is the link 

To create such videos you need to have an account : you need an  e-mail and  then a   password which you can choose.
Have a look at what I  created... it can be  better ... but I liked it.                                                                                                     


GOOGLE  HANGOUTS   : an interesting Tool for chatting and  having   discussions on  just need to have an account with  Google +and   then you  start.......  and get connected with everyone from anywhere in the  world.                                                                                                  

A tool which enables you  to create webpages and add videos, it can be used for presentations and for photos.                               
Once more  look for information  and see how  useful it can be :                                         

MORE ON  COLLABORATION ON LINE....................

These are  just  a few   tools, but  you will fall in love with  them because   they make your life as a student much  better ...................and  also teachers will be  much  happier.

TO BE  CONTINUED....................................

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