lunedì 24 novembre 2014


                                                                      WEEK   3
                 #edcmooc   BEING HUMAN
                   REASSERTING THE HUMAN
Interesting videos: human beings  are different  from machines and  robots  and they share the features of  belonging to a special group, they have  feelings. They love, they suffer, they are afraid and  are not like a machine. I feel that technology is a tool, it can  facilitate the life of men but at the same time  it is not  the only part of the life of a man.  I feel that  technology will not be  too powerful to make the human beings  less human. It will not  control us to make us  tied to it. It will change  part of us , but  we are  individuals and want to be " thinkers", people who can  decide, say things in a different way.
We share life with other people, we love, hate, get into troubles, thus we are different.

The language of human   beings   makes them  different, because they can create. We  have  hundreds of  languages and we   get in touch with people by using  different idioms.  We can create  masterpieces   of art, in architecture, we  can  write poems  and we can  do  a lot of  activities that can help human beings, I just want to mention  the great job made by  Strada with  EMERGENCY or the many  educators in the world who are working to create a learning  environment  in the poorest areas of the world........................                                                                                                     

I am a bit late with my post, week 4 has just  started but  I have worked on line with other interesting MOOCS. I am a teacher and a life-long learner. Thus  you will understand why I liked some  topics discussed in this part of the  course . The readings about  education  were  great because  they presented the problem of education in terms of  human beings and how  technologies  can  change the life of students.


Interesting and positive for me was this article presented in the  RESOURCE  SECTION :

Monke, L (2004) The Human Touch, EducationNext  in

Monke stated that  wired schools cannot offer  a solution in education because   students and  children need to be in contact with reality, they need to think about  what they are learning and  not  only  have  access to lots of information.  Passive learning in front of the computer cannot be  the right solution, What I liked was his ideas about  technology awareness. Education is changing but  teachers and educators should teach  their children and  students how to cope with technology so that they will be able to use it in the right  way from school, from home and at work. This is a competence  for our  children to be acquired from school and it should help them to possess the new skills  for their  future life.

Technology will help to provide  education on line : a good example is the use of   videos  or   webminars by using  special technology like with  Skype  or  GOOGLE HANGOUTs, in general most of adults will  like this use of modern  technology because  they will have  contact with other people and their teachers  and you will continue sharing the  educational  path and will not  drop out.

Thanks to technology I could follow a great event on line and  off line : 

I was part of this  group of teachers and educators in the world who could learn, meet  on line  teachers who presented their projects  and I realized  how education  is changing.  To conclude  I have  met new  teachers     and I have  virtually   shared my experience with them thanks to modern technology by  using internet and sitting in my room. I have met the world..............                                                                                                

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