domenica 3 luglio 2016

PBL Week 4



If we search online we can find a lot of interesting documents, videos and materials that have been shared by teachers and which can help us develop  better  tasks. I have found this video about scientific  skills and  language learning which can explain how the students skills are enhanced by making  something  " useful" and by getting the learners  to work together.

The journey has almost ended.

We have achieved  great objectives and we have learnt how to work on  PBL!!

Week 4 was the final one and I only had to think about evaluation and assessment. I had alredy worked on most of the steps of my project by following the framework provided by the tutors. My third week''s task got a positive  assessment and the idea I had in mind was thought to be  ok.

During week 4 we  worked on rubrics and we  could  see  great  webinar online where a group of teachers  shared their ideas and tools. I could learn more about  SKYPE which can be used for getting the students to work and interview or get in contact with others, students from other schools or maybe interviewing an important writer. The teachers in the MOOC  shared their learning  diaries and tasks and Twitter was a great tool for getting connected with the participants in the MOOC.


"A rubric is typically an evaluation tool or set of guidelines used to promote the consistent application of learning expectations, learning objectives, or learning standards in the classroom, or to measure their attainment against a consistent set of criteria. In instructional settings, rubrics clearly define academic expectations for students and help to ensure consistency in the evaluation of academic work from student to student, assignment to assignment, or course to course. Rubrics are also used as scoring instruments to determine grades or the degree to which learning standards have been demonstrated or attained by students.
In courses, rubrics may be provided and explained to students before they begin an assignment to ensure that learning expectations have been clearly communicated to and understood by students, and, by extension, parents or other adults involved in supporting a student’s education. Rubrics may take many forms, but they typically include the following information:
  • The educational purpose of an assignment, the rationale behind it, or how it connects to larger concepts or themes in a course.
  • The specific criteria or learning objectives that students must show proficiency in to successfully complete an assignment or meet expected standards. An oral-presentation rubric, for example, will establish the criteria—e.g., speak clearly, make eye contact, or include a description of the main characters, setting, and plot—on which students will be graded.
  • The specific quality standards the teacher will use when evaluating, scoring, or grading an assignment. For example, if the teacher is grading an assignment on a scale of 1 to 4, the rubric may detail what students need to do or demonstrate to earn a 1, 2, 3, or 4. Other rubrics will use descriptive language—does not meet, partially meets, meets, or exceeds the standard, for example—instead of a numerical score.

Rubrics are generally designed to be simple, explicit, and easily understood. Rubrics may help students see connections between learning (what will be taught) and assessment (what will be evaluated) by making the feedback they receive from teachers clearer, more detailed, and more useful in terms of identifying and communicating what students have learned or what they may still need to learn. "


Why  is it important to learn how to assess a project ?

It is important to learn how to assess a project: this will help us develop or change some parts of our tasks. Here is the rubric which has been suggested for us when assessing  the others' tasks:


Learners will use rubrics for evaluating their work in terms of presentation, collaboration and also self-reflection on the experience in the project.

Interesting tools online for creating rubrics for teachers and learners when working :


Some rubrics  created by the teachers  which we have  shared in the course can be found here:

Here is my presentation about this interesting MOOC:



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