MOOC Course : what I learnt this year
Reflecting on my learning path as a life long learning teacher................. into the modern technologies
The Mooc took place in the first part of the year 2015 but what I did in the next months was also based on the interesting ideas I came across while doing this Mooc.First of all I did more Moocs on new technologies, web 2.0 tools and digital skills.
I followed the course " ADVENTURES IN BLENDED LEARNING" but it was so rich in terms of news, links and special guests meetings on line that I could not cope with all the deadlines. Working at school and doing a Mooc with lots of deadlines makes your life very busy, with 6 classes and more than 100 students you feel that it is too hard to follow what has been going on.
What I liked : the interesting videos and the people who shared their ideas about a different type of work for teachers and also students. There is a new world that is going to change the world of education as we have seen it so far.
Most of the experiences are based on an American situation and the context that was different from mine. First of all, they have more technology in schools and more money is invested in education.
However, I have learnt that also in Europe and in most countries the great shift has begun.
I liked Catlin Tucker's interview and her enthusiasm for making lessons more engaging. I feel that as educators we should all bring more into our Learning environment and she has done great work.
Her motto : " THINK BIG , START SMALL!"
Carri Schneider - Director of Policy : interview on 26 January 2015
Dr. Anthony Picciano : someone who knows a lot and can suggest something for studying and getting into BLENDED LEARNING
Good ideas about collaborative Learning and use of blogs for sharing ideas
(14 January 2015)
Moocs and Blended Learning
Jeff Sandefer: an interview
Self-Blended Learning? Towards a new route
The end of the journey: I was a bit late but I managed to post two activities online and got 100% for each one. I think I should say we have now reached the beginning of new learning time where students and learners are more important.
What am I going to do in order to face the new year ? To look back and see what nice experiences there are and try to build the first step for new projects for my students. This year I am working in a more difficult situation and my expectations are not similare to the ones I had two years ago..............
I am sure that the new technologies will help me to develop learning paths where my students can be more engaged and where Learning does not only depend on me but on their interests and choices to be better learners .
Thank you to the people who shared their ideas in the course and to Dr. Bernard Bull...................... I will continue my journey into the new planet of education!!!
"...... if educators can instill in students that learning is about the process of doing the work and not about the grade, they are sure to hold students’ attention. "
Jeff James - assistant superintendent of curriculum and instruction at Montgomery County Schools in Troy, NC.
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