sabato 31 marzo 2018

Happy Easter 2018

In the last  months I have learnt more about  some tools which can help us  make videos:

I am sharing this video creating by using the tool is user-friendly and you can use it for sharing your online experiences.

I wish you all    Happy  Easter!!


domenica 18 marzo 2018


Some years ago  while I was learning online I came across  the wonderful ideas of  some educators who suggested I should start blogging. Most of them were ELT Teachers and loved  experimenting online.
I followed some ideas by Janet Bianchini, Nellie Deutsch  and Shelly  Terrell. Shelly is a friend, a virtual friend who is  the one I am following in most of  my CPD: she has collected some wonderful resources for educators who want to blog.

Blogging Resources, by shellyterrell
Since then I have  started some blogs for my personal reflections while doing the Moocs, a blog for my students - it is not run by them and I have learnt to use different platforms. My greatest hope is to have more students who write and post in their class blogs and share ideas . I have used Blogger, Edublogs and other platforms but I am still learning- like all the life-long learners I have met online.

I have taken the  great course  by Kathleen Morris : Betterblogging 

The course  started in January and it is going to finish this  month. It was a source of information and interesting ideas. Not to mention the great  educators who have shared their blogs and their ideas.

We were asked to join the  FB Group and we shared ideas, we were asked to do some tasks- I must confess that  I need to finish some but  I will do them in the next  days.
Meanwhile I have learnt a lot  and I have been guided to use  Edublogs, although I have a free account and  I cannot  embed what I would like to do.

Here are two blogs which I am using  thanks to the free account I have created. Edublogs is userfriendly and this course has  helped me a lot.

 After doing this  course I have a short term goal : I need to improve the quality of my  posts and find a way for being more interactive with my students. Also parents should be more interactive and I will have to work on a page in the blog.

What I would like to do in the next years is  to help my students work in a class blog. I need more time and the help of the other  teachers in my school.  The lack of technology is a problem so I am using my blog    for posting some lessons and  providing some help online for my learners.

I think that I will continue posting on FB page for Betterblogging too as I have found some interesting  educators who have the similar  interests I have.

I  am writing this post in my old blog to thank   Kathleen Morris and the educators who worked with her in this  great  course and  I hope you will re-run a second course  where we will continue sharing ideas about  new ways of working with students.