All the events are free. If you write about them you will be provided with a certificate of participation.
This year I followed most of CO17- it was great but I could not write about the events as I was busy doing two EVO Sessions online in February.
CO stands for Conference online and teachers from all over the world talked about education and how they are working. It lasted three days: here is the link to the whole events
I will have to work on the sessions in the next months" to borrow" some more tips and ideas- meanwhile I would like to underline the great presentations which I have really appreciated:
On Writing Groups
This was one of the best sessions as it focussed on a different way of working
I liked the idea of learning from the others and what educators are doing in order to work with their students also online:
I enjoyed every moment I spent online but it was hard as from Friday to Sunday there were so many speakers who left us their slides and provided with input !
I wish to say thank you to all of them as they worked in a great way: Nives was working at night in Australia while in Europe it was late in the evening. They all shared their love for teaching - this is what Nellie does every day if you check her TWITTER account you will see that she works hard to make us develop as better teachers!!