venerdì 10 aprile 2015


I have  just  received the invation from ManchesterOnline IATEFL  2015 : it is my first time on line and I am going to  see this  Conference on line from  home. It is an important event and I am going to  see what is  happening, what  new  ideas  are  developed.  If you  click and follow the link you will be able to have  access to it. I must  confess that it is a new experience and  I am  eager at learning more. The event can be followed on twitter   @iateflonline and  even if  I am at school I am willing to see some  parts of the  Conference.  I am attending  this Conference as a virtual blogger but  the curiosity has made me decide to see it.

This is the blog where I am going to post my comments about  what I have learnt:

I have already found some interesting  speakers at the  Conference and their  presentations: this is my website, the new one which I have  just  started and where I am going to write more. 

So let's start the journey and see what is going on!!

Friday   10th April  2015